Ni phery anial maith

(Hyder y Cristion)
Ni phery anial maith
  Fy nhaith yn hir;
Caf fyned yn y man
  I Ganaau dir:
Fe geidw Iesu ei saint,
  Er cymaint llid
      eu câs;
Gorchfyga'r gelyn llym
  Trwy rym ei ras!
Hymnau a Salmau 1840

Tôn [6464.6664]: Liverpool (John Roberts 1822-1877)

  Boed imi gael mwynhau
  Fe gymerth Iesu blaid

(Confidence of the Christian)
The vast desert of my journey
  Shall not endure long;
I shall get to go in a while
  To the land of Canaan:
Jesus shall keep his saints,
  Despite how great is the wrath
      of those who hate them;
I shall overcome the keen enemy
  Through the strength of his grace!
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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